Organisations in the Stafford area
Associated with Love Stafford

These people are called to Love Stafford as God loves Stafford

If you want to contact one of these groups please use the direct details below rather than via Love Stafford.

Fountains Counselling Service

fountainsFountains is a voluntary Christian organisation staffed by qualified volunteer counsellors who are members of local Christian churches in Stoke on Trent, Stafford and Cannock. The service is available to adults of any faith or no faith. Our counsellors are experienced in areas of anxiety, stress and depression, loss and bereavement, anger and abuse.

For an appointment please call 07980 387847

For further information please see our website:


The House of Bread


House of Bread (HoB) is an independent Stafford based charity that offers a wide range of services for homeless and vulnerable people in Stafford and surrounding villages.

Each week we provide a home cooked meal, clothing, toiletries, advice and support in a safe and welcoming space.

The organisation continues to grow with three drop-in sessions each week, a bible study group, mental health support group, music activities, woodworking and a community garden.

hob qaAsk any of our Friends and they will tell you, it isn't a house that makes a home; it's the family inside it. House of Bread is like a real home; we eat together, laugh together, cry together, share success and support each other in times of crisis.

Contact us at:

124 Centurion House, Anson Court, Staffordshire Technology Park, Beaconside, Stafford, ST18 0GB.

Email:   Website:

Phone: 01785 243492 / 07720 850720

Question Mark

Since 1989 Question Mark Draquestion mark logo final 1 002ma Group have been visiting local primary schools and running drama workshops with year 6 classes using Bible stories.

A play is written based on an Old Testament or New Testament story, and everyone in the class has a part to play.

The Question Mark team (6 or 7) arrive at school at 8.30 am and set up the scenery and have a prayer time. They meet the class at 9 am and put the children into small groups. The groups (narrators, actors, dancers, puppeteers, etc.) practise their parts until 10 am. Then the whole play, which contains lots of humour, sound effects and colourful costumes, is rehearsed twice.

At about 11.15am the class present the play to the rest of the school, followed by an appropriate song with signing. A member of Question Mark draws the morning to a close with a prayer.

Question Mark is really privileged to be welcomed into all the local primary schools.

Prayer support is vital. For more information on this or joining the team please contact Kate Bagnall on 07516916438.


Stafford Street Pastors


We offer listening, caring and practical help to anyone on our streets between 10.30pm and 4am every Friday and Saturday, also some Bank Holiday Sundays and other busy occasions: Mingling with those enjoying an evening out, engaging with anyone who wants to chat and looking out for those who may be vulnerable – providing flipflops, water, space blankets and lollies etc. for those in need. Sharing our faith when asked, we are amazed by the openness of people, eager to know more about our beliefs and motivation. Well respected by Door staff, Police, Paramedics and the Borough Council for our professionalism and caring attitude, we are now regarded as necessary - which is amazing for a Faith organisation whose motivation is to demonstrate God’s Love!

If you would like the opportunity to put your faith into action or for any other information please email:


Facebook page



The Youth Net

The Youth Net is about churches, schools, children and young people.tynsu 

We have two areas of work. 

To support local churches in their delivery of children's, schools and youth work by offering advice, resources, support, mentoring, training and networking opportunities for church leaders, paid staff and voluntary workers.

To support local churches in their interactions with schools. On a Secondary level we head up a schools ministry team working with local youth workers to deliver lunch time groups, RE and PSHEE lessons, workshops, alternative curriculum, Sacred Spaces and conferences. On a primary level we work with the local church to offer larger scale events and to train and resource volunteers.

For any other queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Address: Asbury House, Merrey Road, Stafford, ST17 9LX
Telephone: 01785 242631


Stafford Branch of the Gideons International

gideonsOur aim is to distribute Bibles to give people the opportunity to read it for themselves, perhaps for the first time, and to discover God in a personal way.  The Gideons place Bibles or New Testaments in many areas including schools, hotels, hospitals, care homes, medical centres, student accommodation, prisons, etc.  In addition we make personal presentations of God's Word.

Each year we present personal copies of the New Testament and Psalms to children in thousands of British secondary schools and to many university and college students.  We make personal presentations to medical personnel and uniformed services - Armed Forces, Police, Ambulance and Fire.  We place New Testaments at hospital bedsides.

For further information please see our website:

Contact Details:
Tel.: 07761 406 460



bible society


Bible Society is working to give to every person across the world the joy of hearing God’s Word to each one in the language of their own hearts. We believe that the Bible transforms individual lives and transforms societies when the relevance and power of the Bible is set free. Bible Society achieves its mission through Bible availability, accessibility and credibility. Bible Society was founded in 1804 and the Stafford Action Group has been supporting their mission for over 200 years.                    

Stafford Action Group not only raises money for Bible Society but is also a passionate advocate for the Bible, encouraging local churches, Christians and schools to value the Bible as the Word of God and to live by its teachings, and then even to embrace and believe the Gospel of hope in Jesus Christ. The Bible shows us all how to LOVE STAFFORD as GOD LOVES STAFFORD.

Contacts:   07484249129; 07811938245; 07794198868


Prison Fellowship

prison fellowshipPrison Fellowship believes every prisoner should have access to support and prayer. Our mission is to show Christ’s love to prisoners by getting alongside and supporting them. Through our network of over 2,400 volunteers across England and Wales, we work towards the restoration of offenders, victims and communities. Join in the monthly prayer times for HMP Stafford at Rising Brook Baptist Church.

Contact details

Postal address: Prison Fellowship, PO Box 68226, LONDON SW1P 9WR



Tele: 020 7799 2500

Facebook / Twitter / Instagram: pfenglandwales


Christian Motorcyclists Association

motorcycleCMA is the UK arm of an international Christian Missionary Organisation that seeks to be involved in every aspect of the biking world. Our mission is to share the love of God, as shown through Jesus Christ, with those who ride motorcycles. Our work takes us into a subculture, the world of motorcyclists or bikers; people with different views who are often shunned or treated as outcasts. Our objective is to see all motorcyclists come to know Christ and then go on to an active life within a local church. As Christians we know there is little as exciting as riding a motorcycle…as bikers we have discovered that there is nothing as fulfilling as being a Christian. The CMA Staffs & Shropshire Branch meets at Rising Brook Baptist Church on the first Monday of every month at 7:45pm

Contact details:

Staffs & Shropshire Branch Chairman: Di Raven

Mob: 07743 481 164


web site:



Meltdown Music

meltdownThe Meltdown ministry began in 1989 with the formation of the UK's first Christian heavy metal band, and are now one of the most pro-active Christian ministries in the world for reaching out to people who enjoy rock and metal music. Jesus died for everyone, including those people ignored by the church due to their taste in music or cultural preference. We engage in the rock music scene with Christian bands in order to deliver the message of the Christian Gospel. We also offer world class ministry training for people who use music as a means of outreach via our "In-Tune" training course. Our seminar speakers and Bible teachers have a proven history of being used by the Lord through the use of music in all rock music genres. Meltdown are members of the Evangelical Alliance and are a charitable limited company.
To contact Meltdown:
Telephone: 07901 526638

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